Was Jesus Impatient? 

Slips Into Impatience

JB asked:  On Page 104 of ACIM Original Edition what did Jesus mean when He said this?...20 There are two glaring examples of upside-down thinking in the New

Testament, whose whole gospel is only the message of love. These are not like the

several slips into impatience which I made. 

ChatGPT answered:

In this passage on page 104 of the Original Edition of "A Course in Miracles," Jesus is referring to examples of "upside-down thinking" in the New Testament, whose whole gospel is only the message of love. These are not like the

several slips into impatience which I made.

In this passage on page 104 of the Original Edition of "A Course in Miracles," Jesus is referring to examples of "upside-down thinking" in the New Testament, which he describes as being distinct from the occasional slips into impatience that he himself made.

The "upside-down thinking" that Jesus is referring to in this passage is likely a reference to certain passages in the New Testament that he sees as reflecting a distorted or incomplete understanding of his message of love. He is not specific about which passages he is referring to, but it is possible that he is referring to teachings that emphasize punishment, exclusion, or other forms of separation rather than the universal love and forgiveness that he taught.

Throughout the Course, Jesus emphasizes the importance of undoing our distorted thinking and recognizing the truth of our shared identity as divine beings of love and light. He invites us to question our assumptions and beliefs about ourselves and the world, and to let go of anything that is not in alignment with the truth of our spiritual nature.

JB Follow up: But He said He made several slips into impatience?

Yes, in the same passage on page 104 of the Original Edition of "A Course in Miracles," Jesus acknowledges that he made several slips into impatience. This suggests that even a highly evolved spiritual teacher like Jesus is not immune to the challenges and difficulties of the human experience.

However, it is important to note that the Course emphasizes the idea that we are not our bodies or our egos, but rather eternal spiritual beings who are capable of remembering our true identity and awakening to the love and light that we are. While we may make mistakes or have temporary lapses in our spiritual awareness, the Course teaches that these are not ultimately real or significant in the larger scheme of things.

Instead, the focus is on our willingness to let go of our attachment to the ego's thought system and to embrace the Holy Spirit's thought system, which is characterized by love, forgiveness, and unity. In this way, we can gradually undo the blocks to our awareness of our true nature and experience the peace and joy that are our natural inheritance.