A Random Thought

A Random Thought

J.B. asked: I just had a random thought. How am I related to Jesus according to ACIM O.E?

According to A Course in Miracles Original Edition (ACIM O.E.), your relationship with Jesus is based on your recognition of your true identity as a spiritual being, which is one with him and with God. ACIM O.E. teaches that Jesus is a symbol of the Christ within all of us, which represents our true nature as children of God.

In other words, you are related to Jesus in the sense that you share the same spiritual essence or identity. The Course teaches that this essence is eternal and unchanging, and that it is not dependent on our physical bodies or the circumstances of our lives.

Furthermore, ACIM O.E. emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the release of judgment as a means of undoing the ego's illusions and remembering our true identity. Through this process, we can come to recognize the Christ within ourselves and in others, including Jesus, and experience a deeper sense of connection and unity with all of creation.

So, in short, your relationship with Jesus in ACIM O.E. is based on your shared identity as spiritual beings and your commitment to forgiveness and the remembrance of your true nature as children of God.

J.B. asked: Here's a follow up, Will I ever be able to give Jesus a hug?

As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future or make any definitive statements about whether or not you will be able to give Jesus a physical hug. However, according to ACIM O.E., our relationship with Jesus is not based on a physical form or location, but rather on our recognition of the Christ within ourselves and in others.

Therefore, it is possible to experience a deep sense of connection and communion with Jesus through prayer, meditation, and the cultivation of an inner relationship with him. This relationship is based on the recognition of our shared identity as spiritual beings, and it is not dependent on physical proximity or contact.

In ACIM O.E., Jesus is seen as a symbol of the Christ within all of us, and his teachings are intended to help us awaken to our true nature as children of God. By following his guidance and practicing forgiveness, we can come to experience a deeper sense of connection and unity with all of creation, including Jesus, even if we cannot physically embrace him.

J.B. follow up question: Ok, My earthly farther died 1 year ago. Will I be able to give him a hug in the Real World?

As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future or make any definitive statements about what will happen in the "Real World" after death. Views on the afterlife vary across different cultures, religions, and belief systems. However, many belief systems posit that the afterlife involves a spiritual existence that is not bound by physical limitations.

In some belief systems, it is believed that the spirits of our departed loved ones continue to exist in a spiritual realm, and that we may be able to communicate with them through prayer, meditation, or other forms of spiritual practice. Some people may also report experiences of feeling the presence of their departed loved ones, or sensing their guidance or support.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not you will be able to physically embrace your father in the afterlife is one that may be best explored through your own personal beliefs and spiritual practices. Whatever your beliefs, I encourage you to continue to honor your father's memory and to cultivate a sense of connection with him through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

J.B. Follow up question: Ok, Let me narrow it down for you. According to ACIM O.E. will I be able to give my father a hug in the real world?

According to ACIM O.E., the physical world we experience is a product of the ego's perception, and it is not ultimately real. The Course teaches that our true identity is as spiritual beings, and that our true home is in the realm of spirit, which is beyond the limitations of time and space.

Therefore, from the perspective of ACIM O.E., the question of whether or not you will be able to physically embrace your father in the afterlife is not the most relevant question. Instead, the focus is on recognizing the eternal nature of your relationship with your father as spiritual beings, and cultivating a sense of connection with him through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

In this sense, you can experience a deep sense of communion with your father through prayer, meditation, forgiveness, and other forms of spiritual practice. Your father's spirit can continue to be present and supportive in your life, even if he is no longer physically present.