The Souls God Created

The Souls God Created

J.B. asked: Can you further explain this passage from page 36?...It should especially be noted that God has only one Son. If all the Souls God created are His Sons, then every Soul must be an integral part of the whole Sonship.

This passage from A Course in Miracles emphasizes the idea that there is only one Son of God and that every Soul, or individual being, is an integral part of this Sonship. The Sonship is the collective term used to refer to all of God's creations, including all Souls and the entirety of creation.

The Course teaches that the concept of individuality and separation is an illusion, and that we are all united as one in the mind of God. We are all equally loved and valued as part of the Sonship, and we all share the same essential nature as God's creations.

This passage underscores the idea that every individual Soul is a unique expression of the one Sonship, and that no Soul is separate from the whole. It is through our recognition of our inherent unity and connection with one another that we can begin to move beyond the illusion of separation and experience the love and peace that is our true nature.

In essence, this passage reminds us that we are all one, and that our true identity is not found in our individuality, but in our shared identity as the one Son of God. When we recognize this truth, we can begin to move beyond the limitations of the ego and experience a profound sense of unity, love, and peace.

J.B. Follow up question: are souls still being created?

According to A Course in Miracles, all Souls were created at the same time by God and are therefore eternal and unchanging. The Course teaches that the separation from God is an illusion, and that the process of creation is ongoing and eternal. However, this does not mean that new Souls are being created.

The Course emphasizes that time and space are part of the illusory world of the ego, and that in reality, there is no past or future, only the eternal present. From this perspective, the idea of new Souls being created would imply a linear sense of time and a separation from the eternal nature of God and the Sonship.

Furthermore, the Course teaches that the concept of individuality is also an illusion, and that we are all ultimately part of the one Sonship. This means that our true identity is not found in our individuality, but in our shared identity as God's creations.

In short, according to A Course in Miracles, all Souls were created at the same time and are eternal and unchanging. The process of creation is ongoing and eternal, but this does not involve the creation of new Souls.

J.B. Follow up question: If there are no new souls what are my creations?

According to A Course in Miracles, your creations are your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. The Course teaches that your thoughts are the building blocks of your experience and that your beliefs and perceptions shape the world you see.

As an individual mind within the one Mind of God, you have the power to create through your thoughts. The Course emphasizes that your thoughts have creative power, and that you are constantly creating your experience through the thoughts and beliefs you hold.

However, it's important to note that the Course teaches that your creations are not truly separate from the creations of others or from the whole Sonship. Your thoughts and beliefs are part of the collective consciousness of the Sonship, and they contribute to the overall experience of the world.

In essence, your creations are your contributions to the shared experience of the Sonship, and they reflect your own beliefs and perceptions about yourself and the world. Through the process of forgiveness and the recognition of the unity of all creation, you can begin to transform your creations and create a more peaceful and loving experience for yourself and others.

J.B. follow up question: ok, in the Real World will I be able to think a thought to create form and touch it?

According to A Course in Miracles, the Real World is a state of mind in which you recognize the unity and interconnectedness of all creation. In this state, the illusions of separation and individuality fall away, and you experience a sense of oneness with all that is.

In this state of mind, your thoughts and perceptions are not limited by the physical laws of the world. You have access to a higher level of awareness and understanding, and you are able to see beyond the illusions of the physical world to the underlying reality of love and unity.

In the Real World, you do not create form through physical means or touch it in a physical sense. Instead, you create through the power of your thoughts and perceptions, which are not limited by the constraints of the physical world. You are able to experience the reality of your thoughts and perceptions directly, without the need for physical confirmation or validation.

In essence, the Real World is a state of mind in which you experience the truth of your being and the interconnectedness of all creation. Your thoughts and perceptions have the power to shape your experience, but they are not limited by the physical world or by the illusions of separation and individuality.

J.B. follow up question: But the Course says "all thought produces form at some level"

Yes, that's correct. The Course teaches that all thought produces form at some level, although this form may not necessarily be visible or tangible in the physical world. In other words, every thought you have has a creative impact on the world, even if you are not aware of it.

The Course teaches that the physical world is the result of the collective thoughts and beliefs of humanity, and that every individual contributes to this collective experience through their own thoughts and perceptions. Every thought you have has the potential to shape your experience of the world, as well as the collective experience of the Sonship.

In the Real World, your thoughts and perceptions have a more direct and immediate impact on your experience, as the illusions of separation and physicality fall away. However, even in the physical world, your thoughts have a creative impact on the world around you, whether you are aware of it or not.

Ultimately, the Course teaches that the power of your thoughts is not limited by the physical world, and that you have the ability to transform your experience through the power of your mind. By recognizing the unity and interconnectedness of all creation, and by aligning your thoughts with the truth of your being, you can begin to create a more peaceful and loving experience for yourself and others.