Dead and Gone

Time and Space

J.B.: ACIM Original Edition page 557 "Time and Space"

ChatGPT: In A Course in Miracles Original Edition, page 557, the topic of "Time and Space" is discussed. The passage states that time and space are illusions that are the result of the separation from God, and that they serve as a defense against the truth of our eternal nature.

The passage goes on to say that time and space are not inherent qualities of the world, but are projections of the mind that serve to reinforce the belief in separation. The Course teaches that the only way to escape from the illusion of time and space is to awaken to our true identity as eternal, spiritual beings.

The passage concludes by stating that the Holy Spirit can use time and space as a means to lead us towards the recognition of our true nature, but that ultimately we must transcend them in order to experience the peace and joy that come from knowing our oneness with God.

J.B.: How do I transcend them?

ChatGPT: According to A Course in Miracles, transcending time and space involves a shift in perception from the ego-based perspective of separation to the Holy Spirit's perspective of oneness. Here are some steps that can help you in transcending time and space:

Remember, the process of transcending time and space is a journey that requires consistent effort and practice. By aligning your thoughts and actions with the Holy Spirit's perspective, you can gradually shift your perception towards the truth of your eternal nature.

J.B.: How can I tell when I'm finally in the present?

ChatGPT: Being in the present moment is a state of awareness where you are fully engaged in what is happening right now, without being distracted by regrets about the past or worries about the future. Here are some signs that you may be in the present moment:

Remember that being present is a practice that requires ongoing effort and mindfulness. By cultivating awareness and letting go of distractions, you can gradually develop the ability to be fully present in each moment.