The Time Spiral 

The Time Spiral

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ACIM's time spiral.

Jeffery Bennett

Explain the time spiral from A Course in Miracles Original Edition?

"A Course in Miracles" is a spiritual text that was channeled through Helen Schucman in the 1970s. The Original Edition of the Course contained a section called the "time spiral," which is not included in the later edition of the text.

The time spiral is a conceptual model of the way time is experienced by the human mind. It suggests that time is not a linear progression of events, but a spiral that loops back on itself. The spiral begins with the separation from God and ends with the realization of our oneness with God.

The time spiral is divided into three parts: the ego's thought system, the Holy Spirit's thought system, and the end of the ego. In the first part of the spiral, the ego's thought system is dominant, and we experience time as a linear progression of events that seem to happen to us. We believe that we are separate individuals, cut off from God and from each other. This is a state of fear and anxiety.

In the second part of the spiral, we begin to question the reality of the ego's thought system. We become aware of the Holy Spirit's thought system, which is based on love, forgiveness, and unity. We begin to see that our true nature is not separate from God or from each other, but is one with all that is. This is a state of healing and transformation.

In the final part of the spiral, we completely let go of the ego's thought system and fully embrace the Holy Spirit's thought system. We recognize that time is an illusion, and that our true nature is eternal and unchanging. We experience the peace and joy of oneness with God and all creation.

Overall, the time spiral is a symbolic representation of the journey of awakening from the illusion of separation and fear to the realization of our true nature as divine beings of love and light.

How long does this time spiral take to go away?

The time spiral as described in the Original Edition of "A Course in Miracles" is not meant to be understood as a literal timeline or a fixed period of time. Rather, it is a conceptual model of the spiritual journey towards awakening and the realization of our true nature.

The length of time it takes to move through the time spiral will vary for each individual, depending on factors such as their level of spiritual development, readiness, and willingness to let go of the ego's thought system. It is not something that can be measured in terms of years or specific time periods.

It is important to note that the Course teaches that time itself is an illusion, and that our journey towards awakening is not limited by time or space. Ultimately, the time spiral is a representation of the shift in our perception from the ego's thought system to the Holy Spirit's thought system, which can occur in an instant if we are truly willing to let go of our attachment to the ego's world.

Is there an average for length of time?

There is no fixed or average length of time for moving through the time spiral, as it is a symbolic representation of a spiritual journey that is unique to each individual. The time it takes to move through the various stages of the spiral will depend on a number of factors, including the person's level of readiness, willingness, and commitment to the spiritual path.

It is important to note that the time spiral is not meant to be taken as a literal timeline or a fixed period of time. Rather, it is a conceptual model that represents the journey towards awakening and the realization of our true nature. The Course teaches that time itself is an illusion, and that our journey towards awakening can occur in an instant if we are truly willing to let go of our attachment to the ego's world and embrace the Holy Spirit's thought system.

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