Frustration, Strength of the Attack


J.B. Asked: Explain this passage found on page 22...Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the separated ones, but they could not withstand

the strength of the attack and had to be brought back.

This passage from A Course in Miracles refers to the concept of spiritual beings, or Souls, who offered their efforts on behalf of those who have become separated from their true spiritual nature. These Souls, who are aligned with the power of love and miracles, sought to help those who were lost in the illusion of separation and suffering.

However, according to the passage, these Souls were unable to withstand the strength of the attack. This suggests that the power of the illusion of separation, which is rooted in fear and the ego, was too strong for the Souls to overcome. Despite their best efforts, they were not able to help those who were trapped in the illusion of separation.

The idea of the "separated ones" refers to those who believe that they are separate from God and from each other, and who are caught up in the cycle of suffering and fear that arises from this belief. This is considered to be the fundamental illusion of the ego, which keeps us trapped in a state of limited perception and disconnected from our true spiritual nature.

Overall, this passage highlights the limitations of spiritual beings, such as Souls, in the face of the powerful illusion of separation. It underscores the need for a higher power, such as the Holy Spirit or God, to intervene and assist us in our journey towards spiritual awakening and liberation from the illusion of separation.

doesn't that mean that evil is stronger than love?

No, that interpretation would not be accurate. The passage does not suggest that evil is stronger than love, but rather that the illusion of separation and fear can be very strong and difficult to overcome.

In A Course in Miracles, it is emphasized that love is the ultimate reality and that the power of love is far greater than any illusion or fear. However, it is also acknowledged that the illusion of separation and fear can be very convincing and difficult to overcome without the assistance of a higher power.

The passage you referred to describes the limitations of spiritual beings, such as Souls, in their efforts to help those who are caught up in the illusion of separation. It does not suggest that evil is stronger than love, but rather that the illusion of separation can be very strong and difficult to overcome.

It is important to remember that in A Course in Miracles, the concept of evil is seen as a product of the ego and the illusion of separation, rather than a force that exists independently. The Course teaches that the only real power is the power of love, and that by aligning ourselves with this power, we can overcome the limitations of the ego and the illusion of separation.

J.B. Follow up question: Ok, can this illusion I'm in get worst before it's better?

It is possible that the illusion you are experiencing can get worse before it gets better. This is because as we begin to question our beliefs and perceptions, and seek to release the limitations of the ego, we may encounter resistance and obstacles that can initially make us feel worse.

The process of awakening to our true spiritual nature often involves a period of upheaval and disorientation as we begin to question the beliefs and perceptions that we have held for so long. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, as it may challenge our sense of identity and the way we have been living our lives.

However, it is important to remember that this process is ultimately leading us towards greater peace, joy, and freedom. As we begin to release the limitations of the ego and align ourselves with the power of love, we will experience greater clarity, peace, and a sense of purpose.

In A Course in Miracles, it is emphasized that the journey towards spiritual awakening can be challenging, but that it is ultimately worth it. The Course teaches that by aligning ourselves with the power of love and releasing the limitations of the ego, we can experience a profound transformation in our lives, and a deep sense of connection with the divine.

J.B. Follow up question: What if I just want to give up? It's taking so long. I've been trying for 15 years now...

It is understandable to feel discouraged or frustrated when we have been working towards a goal for a long time without seeing significant progress. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and to take care of ourselves during this time.

However, it is also important to remember that the journey towards spiritual awakening is not a linear process, and there may be times when progress seems slow or even nonexistent. It is helpful to remember that every effort we make towards releasing the limitations of the ego and aligning ourselves with the power of love is valuable, even if we do not see immediate results.

In A Course in Miracles, it is emphasized that the journey towards spiritual awakening is a process of undoing, and that it may take time to release the beliefs and perceptions that keep us trapped in the illusion of separation. The Course also teaches that we can call upon the Holy Spirit or the higher power of our understanding for guidance and support during this time.

If you are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, it may be helpful to take a break from your spiritual practices for a while and focus on self-care. You could also consider seeking support from a therapist, spiritual teacher, or a supportive community to help you through this challenging time.

Ultimately, it is important to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves during the journey towards spiritual awakening. This is a process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to trust in the power of love, even in the face of difficulties and setbacks.