The Soul

The Soul

JB asked: Explain "the Soul" as taught in ACIM O.E.?

In the Original Edition of "A Course in Miracles," the term "soul" is not used in the traditional sense of a permanent, individual entity that exists apart from the body. Rather, the Course teaches that the true Self or Identity of every person is the same as God, which is the non-dualistic and infinite reality that underlies all of existence.

The Course teaches that the experience of separation from God and from each other is an illusion created by the ego, which is the false self that arises from our identification with the body and the belief in the reality of the physical world. The Course refers to this false self as the "tiny, mad idea" that has led to all of the suffering and pain in the world.

The purpose of the Course is to help us awaken from this illusion of separation and remember our true Identity as part of God. In this sense, the term "soul" can be understood as a symbolic representation of our true Self or Identity, which is eternal, limitless, and one with God.

The Course emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the release of all judgments and grievances, which are seen as the primary obstacles to our awareness of our true Identity. As we release our attachment to the ego's thought system and embrace the Holy Spirit's thought system, we can begin to experience the peace, joy, and love that are the natural expressions of our true Self or soul.

JB  Follow up question: ok, how do non-dualistic and true Self reconcile?

The reconciliation of the non-dualistic reality and the true Self is a central theme in "A Course in Miracles." The Course teaches that our true Self or Identity is not separate from God, but rather is one with God in a non-dualistic reality that transcends the limitations of the physical world and the ego's thought system.

In this non-dualistic reality, there is no separation between the Self and God, between the observer and the observed, or between subject and object. Instead, everything is seen as an expression of the same divine reality, which is pure Love and Oneness.

The Course teaches that the experience of separation and duality arises from the ego's belief in the reality of the physical world and the identification with the body as the Self. This identification leads to a sense of limitation, lack, and fear, which in turn creates the illusion of separation and duality.

To reconcile the non-dualistic reality and the true Self, the Course emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the release of all judgments and grievances. Through forgiveness, we can let go of the ego's thought system and open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit's thought system, which is characterized by Love and Oneness.

By recognizing that our true Identity is one with God, we can let go of the illusion of separation and experience the peace and joy that come from knowing our true Self. In this way, the non-dualistic reality and the true Self are reconciled in the recognition of the ultimate truth of our being.